Fix bug with multi-hit bullets not allowing their collision checks to be disabled mid-sequence. Add capability for derived bullet types to re-activate themselves. Bouncing Orb Enchant implemented. 181/181 unit tests passing. Release Build 11106.
Assert::AreEqual(1000,newMonster.GetHealth(),L"Monster 1 is at 1000 HP.");
Assert::AreEqual(1000,newMonster2.GetHealth(),L"Monster 2 is at 1000 HP.");
Assert::AreEqual(986,newMonster.GetHealth(),L"Monster 1 should have been hit. Since we can have 4 bounces, this got hit twice. Damage should be halved.");
Assert::AreEqual(986,newMonster2.GetHealth(),L"Monster 2 should have been hit. Since we can have 4 bounces, this got hit twice. Damage should be halved.");
floatfadeInTime=0;//Setting the fade in time causes the bullet to be disabled and the bullet's alpha will fade in from zero to the actual alpha of the bullet. When the fade in timer reaches the fade in time automatically, the bullet will be enabled.