Fix unit testing paths to refer to correct directories. Added error handling and control return path for Entity functions. Release Build 11891.
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
Ghost of Pirate Captain |
60 000 HP |
Size 600% |
Movespeed 50% |
Damage: |
Canonshot 80 dmg |
Shrapnel 35 dmg |
Sabres 75 dmg |
Collision 50 dmg |
Curse nothing for first 15 seconds, after that 5 dmg per second. |
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Skills: |
- Command Canons (2 Kinds of Attack, Big Canon Balls and spreaded shrapnel shot) |
- Spreading the curse (The Ghost Throws a Coin towards the Player, and the Player gets marked. starts getting dot damage after time if the coin doesnt get returned to the Pirate Treasure, which has a fixed position on the map) |
- Hide and Seek (The Ghost hides Behind a Rock, and Canons Bombard the area until player hits the Captain once) |
- Ghost Sabers (Spinning Ghost Swords) |
- 70%, 40% & 10% Curse + Hide - permanent Bombardment + Shrapnel Shot every 5 seconds. |
Once found on the 10% Hide and Seek Spawns a Cage around the Pirate Treasure, and Spreads the curse on the player again. (If player didnt cleanse the curse before finding the captain it just stays up.) |
Both kind of Canon attacks happen at all time now, 10 Ghost Sabers spawn that circle around the boss in different directions |
Boss stands still in the middle (maybe raising an arm animation wise or something to show that he is controlling the Sabers) |
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Normal Fight |
Canon Shots happen with a 0,4 second delay. between shooting an impact is a 2.5 second delay. |
Canon have a 350 impact size |
Shrapnel shoots similar to small bolders from chapter 2 boss. 25 hits, 50 radius. Delay between shooting and impact also 2.5 seconds. |
its 8 canon shots, 2 second silence, 1 shrapnel shot, 2 second silence, repeat. |
the Canon shots can happen in one of the following patterns: |
- Bombardment: every shot is at a random location within 900 Range of the player. (This is also the move during hide and seek.) |
- precise Bombardment: same as before but within 700 range of the player. |
- Shooting in a line: the 4th or 5th hit would hit the player if the player doesnt move at all. |
- Sharpshooter: aiming directly at the player, skipping every 2nd shot. (only 4 instead of 8 shots) |
- prediction: shoots in the direction of the current or last players movement and predicts where the player would be in 2.8 seconds. (slightly further then where the player would be at impact. thats why 2.8 instead of 2.5 seconds) |
Boss spawns after the first Canon rotation ends. |
Boss constantly Slowly floats towards player, within 400 range it uses Ghost Sabers once every 4 seconds. (Throws them, Similar movement like Hammers of a Hammerdin in Diablo 2 - - both the spinning animation and the flightpath are a good example. Sabre always spawn of oposite side towards player to give meeles time to dodge.) |
On Collision damage trigger a slash animation with its saber. |
Reference in new issue