Change MapType to use an enum instead. Add a HUD message overlay system. Disable ability for players to swap equipment during a stage. Update all maps to use MapType enums. Release Build 11084.
if(game->MAP_DATA.count(GetCurrentLevel())==0)ERR(std::format("WARNING! Could not load map {}! Does not exist! Refer to levels.txt for valid maps.",map));
if(game->MAP_DATA[GetCurrentLevel()].GetMapType()=="Hub"&&GameState::STATE!=GameState::states[States::GAME_HUB])ERR("WARNING! A hub level should only be initiated in the GAME_HUB game state!");
if(game->MAP_DATA[GetCurrentLevel()].GetMapType()==Map::MapType::HUB&&GameState::STATE!=GameState::states[States::GAME_HUB])ERR("WARNING! A hub level should only be initiated in the GAME_HUB game state!");
if(MAP_DATA[].GetMapType()=="Boss"&&MAP_DATA[].GetZones().at("BossArena").size()==0)ERR(std::format("WARNING! Map {} doesn't have a boss arena region defined! Add an object of class BossArena to the map.",MAP_DATA[].GetMapDisplayName()));
if(MAP_DATA[].GetMapType()==Map::MapType::BOSS&&MAP_DATA[].GetZones().at("BossArena").size()==0)ERR(std::format("WARNING! Map {} doesn't have a boss arena region defined! Add an object of class BossArena to the map.",MAP_DATA[].GetMapDisplayName()));
void_SetCurrentLevel(constMapNamemap);//NOTE: This will modify the currentLevel variable without triggering anything else in-game, this will normally mess up the state in the game. Ideally this is only used when initializing a test level.