Assert::AreEqual(2,testMonster.GetMarkStacks(),L"Monster should have 2 marks remaining after taking true damage, even though it's classified as a DOT. This is an edge case, but it's really meaningless here...");
Assert::AreEqual(1,testMonster.GetMarkStacks(),L"Monster should have 1 mark remaining after using TriggerMark function");
Assert::AreEqual(24,testMonster.GetHealth(),L"Monster should not take damage from the TriggerMark function (Mark deals 6 damage though).");
constintGetMarkStacks()const;//Number of Trapper marks on this target.
voidTriggerMark();//Deals no damage, but causes a mark proc to occur.
//NOTE: Marking a monster for deletion does not trigger any death events. It just simply removes the monster from the field!!
// The way this works is that monsters marked for deletion will cause the monster update loop to detect there's at least one or more monsters that must be deleted and will call erase_if on the list at the end of the iteration loop.