@ -1,53 +1,568 @@ |
|||||||"/AiL",function (req, res) { |
const express = require('express') |
var username=decodeURI(req.body.username) |
const axios = require('axios') |
var operation=decodeURI(req.body.operation) |
var http = require('http'); |
var checksum=decodeURI(req.body.checksum) |
var https = require('https'); |
var data=decodeURI( |
const fs = require('fs'); |
const saveDir="files/AiLsaves/"; |
if(username&&operation&&checksum&&data){ |
const sh = require('secrethash'); |
if(username.length<=24&& |
(operation==="GET_LOAD_FILES"||operation==="GET_FILE"||operation==="SAVE_FILE"||operation==="SAVE_METADATA_FILE")&& |
var key = fs.readFileSync('./'); |
data.length<=1000000&& |
var cert = fs.readFileSync('./'); |
Number(checksum)===username.length*8+data.length*2+operation.length){ |
var options = { |
key: key, |
cert: cert |
}; |
const app = express() |
var server = https.createServer(options, app); |
const port = 4505 |
server.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`)) |
const bodyParser = require('body-parser') |
const { json } = require('body-parser') |
const moment = require('moment'); |
const Pool = require('pg').Pool |
app.use(bodyParser.json()) |
app.use( |
bodyParser.urlencoded({ |
extended: true, |
}) |
) |
let allowCrossDomain = function (req, res, next) { |
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', "*"); |
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', "*"); |
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', "*"); |
next(); |
} |
app.use(allowCrossDomain); |
var db = |
new Pool({ |
user: 'postgres', |
password: '', |
host: 'postgres', |
database: 'sigcrafting', |
port: 5432, |
}) |
app.get('/', async (req, res) => { |
res.status(200).send('BUN is love, BUN is life.') |
}) |
app.get('/getData', (req, res) => { |
db.query('select * from crafting_list order by id asc') |
.then((data) => { |
if (data.rows.length > 0) { |
res.status(200).json(data.rows) |
} else { |
res.status(204).send("No data") |
} |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
}) |
app.get('/getNotifications', (req, res) => { |
db.query('select * from audit_log where date>$1 order by id asc limit 10', []) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).json(data.rows) |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err) |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
}) |
app.get('/lastUpdate', (req, res) => { |
db.query("select * from site_data limit 1") |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).json(data.rows) |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
}) |
|"/updateItem", (req, res) => { |
var itemIcon = "" |
db.query("update crafting_list set obtained=$1 where id=$2 returning *", [req.body.obtained,]) |
.then((data) => { |
itemIcon = "" + data.rows[0].icon |
return db.query("update site_data set last_modified=$1", [req.body.last_modified]) |
}) |
.then((data) => { |
return, { |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: req.body.item_name, |
icon_url: itemIcon |
}, |
color: req.body.obtained == req.body.required ? 32768 : Number(req.body.obtained) > 0 ? 20680 : 2172201, |
description: "**" + req.body.username + "** " + (req.body.operation === "FINISH" ? " has finished " + (req.body.finalcraft === true ? "crafting " : "collecting ") + req.body.required + " __" + req.body.item_name + "__!" : |
req.body.operation === "INCREASE" ? " has collected " + req.body.obtained + " / " + req.body.required + " __" + req.body.item_name + "__ (+" + (req.body.obtained - req.body.previous_amt) + ")" |
: " has set __" + req.body.item_name + "__ to " + req.body.obtained + " / " + req.body.required) + "\n\n[Sig Planner - Sig crafts all the things](", |
footer: { |
"text": "Progress: " + ((req.body.itemCount + req.body.obtained - req.body.previous_amt) / req.body.totalItemCount * 100).toFixed(2) + "% (" + (req.body.itemCount + req.body.obtained - req.body.previous_amt) + "/" + req.body.totalItemCount + ")" |
} |
}] |
}) |
}) |
.then((data) => { |
return db.query("insert into audit_log(username,obtained,required,item_name,operation,date,previous_amt) values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)", [req.body.username, req.body.obtained, req.body.required, req.body.item_name, req.body.operation === "FINISH" && req.body.finalcraft === true ? "FINISH_CRAFT" : req.body.operation, req.body.last_modified, req.body.previous_amt]) |
}) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).send("Yay!") |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err.message) |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
}) |
|"/updateTimer", (req, res) => { |
if (req.body.timer_start !== null && req.body.timer_end !== null && req.body.timer_start !== undefined && req.body.timer_end !== undefined) { |
var splitter = req.body.timer_start.split(",") |
var splitter2 = req.body.timer_end.split(",") |
for (t of splitter) { |
if (t == "") continue; |
if (t.split(":").length != 2 || (t.split(":").length == 2 && (isNaN(t.split(":")[0]) || isNaN(t.split(":")[1])))) { |
res.status(500).send("Invalid input!") |
return |
} |
} |
for (t of splitter2) { |
if (t == "") continue; |
if (t.split(":").length != 2 || (t.split(":").length == 2 && (isNaN(t.split(":")[0]) || isNaN(t.split(":")[1])))) { |
console.log(t) |
res.status(500).send("Invalid input!") |
return |
} |
} |
db.query("update crafting_list set timer_start=$1,timer_end=$2 where id=$3 returning *", [req.body.timer_start, req.body.timer_end,]) |
.then((data) => { |
itemIcon = "" + data.rows[0].icon |
return db.query("update site_data set last_modified=$1", [req.body.last_modified]) |
}) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).send("Yay!") |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err.message) |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
} else { |
res.status(500).send("Invalid input!") |
} |
}) |
|'/setItem', async (req, res) => { |
await db.query('select * from crafting_list where itemid=$1', [req.body.itemid]) |
.then((data) => { |
if (data.rows.length == 0) { |
db.query('insert into crafting_list(itemid,name,obtained,required,icon) values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)', [req.body.itemid,, req.body.obtained, req.body.required, req.body.icon]) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).send("Yay!") |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
} else { |
db.query('update crafting_list set required=$1 where itemid=$2', [Number(data.rows[0].required) + Number(req.body.required), req.body.itemid]) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).send("Yayay!") |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
} |
}) |
}) |
|'/addItem', async (req, res) => { |
await db.query('select * from crafting_list where itemid=$1', [req.body.itemid]) |
.then((data) => { |
if (data.rows.length > 0) { |
db.query('update crafting_list set obtained=$1 where itemid=$2', [Math.min(data.rows[0].required, Number(data.rows[0].obtained) + Number(req.body.obtained)), req.body.itemid]) |
.then((data) => { |
res.status(200).send("AYAYA") |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
res.status(500).send(err.message) |
}) |
} else { |
res.status(200).send("Nothing to do!") |
} |
}) |
}) |
function ConvertIssues(str, repoURL) { |
str += ' ' //Hack to fix issues with not finding a space after links.
var split = str.split("Issue #"); |
for (var i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { |
split[i] += "[Issue #" |
var spaceLocation = split[i + 1].indexOf(' '); |
var spaceSubStr = Number(split[i + 1].substr(0, spaceLocation)); |
if (Number.isInteger(spaceSubStr)) { |
split[i + 1] = spaceSubStr + "](" + repoURL + "/issues/" + spaceSubStr + ") " + split[i + 1].substr(spaceLocation + 1) |
} |
} |
var split2 = split.join("").split("Issue#") |
console.log(split2) |
for (var i = 0; i < split2.length - 1; i++) { |
split2[i] += "[Issue#" |
var spaceLocation = split[i + 1].indexOf(' '); |
var spaceSubStr = Number(split[i + 1].substr(0, spaceLocation)); |
if (Number.isInteger(spaceSubStr)) { |
split[i + 1] = spaceSubStr + "](" + repoURL + "/issues/" + spaceSubStr + ") " + split[i + 1].substr(spaceLocation + 1) |
} |
} |
return split2.join(""); |
} |
function ParseMentions(str) { |
//@quapsel: 155789951571591168
//@sigonasr2: 176012829076226048
return str.replaceAll("@Quapsel", "<@155789951571591168>").replaceAll("@sigonasr2", "<@176012829076226048>") |
} |
var embedItems = []; |
function ParseAttachments(str) { |
var stage = 0; |
var backTickRepeatCount = 0; |
var backTicksEnabled = false; |
var isImage = false; |
var accumulatedLink = ""; |
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { |
//If at any time we find ```, we continue until they close.
if (str[i] == '`') { |
backTickRepeatCount++; |
if (backTickRepeatCount == 3) { |
backTickRepeatCount = 0; |
backTicksEnabled = !backTicksEnabled; |
} |
continue; |
} else { |
backTickRepeatCount = 0; |
} |
if (backTicksEnabled) { |
continue; //As long as we are in back tick mode, we don't care what is posted.
} |
switch (stage) { |
case 0: { |
//In stage 0 we look for [.
if (str[i] == '[') { |
if (i > 0 && str[i - 1] == '!') { |
isImage = true; |
} else { |
isImage = false; |
} |
stage++; |
} |
} break; |
case 1: { |
//In stage 1 we look for ].
if (str[i] == ']') { |
stage++; |
} |
} break; |
case 2: { |
//In stage 2 the next character should be (. If it's not, reset.
if (str[i] == '(') { |
stage++; |
} else { |
stage = 0; |
} |
} break; |
case 3: { |
//In stage 3, we accumulate what's inside and look for ).
if (str[i] == ')') { |
//We're done! We have a new embed.
if (accumulatedLink.startsWith("http")) { |
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embedItems = [...embedItems, { image: { url: accumulatedLink } }] |
} else { |
embedItems = [...embedItems, { url: accumulatedLink }] |
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if (isImage) { |
embedItems = [...embedItems, { image: { url: "" + accumulatedLink } }] |
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embedItems = [...embedItems, { url: "" + accumulatedLink }] |
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accumulatedLink = "" |
isImage = false; |
stage = 0; |
break; |
} else { |
accumulatedLink += str[i]; |
} |
} break; |
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return str |
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embeds = [] |
setInterval(() => { |
if (embeds.length > 0) { |
|, embeds.shift()); |
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|"/postUpdate", (req, res) => { |
res.status(200).send("Thank you!") |
embedItems = [] |
if (req.body.action) { |
switch (req.body.action) { |
case "opened": { |
embedItems = [{ |
author: { |
name: "Issue #" + req.body.number + " opened by " + req.body?.issue?.user?.username, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 11731199, |
description: "**" + req.body.issue.title + ":**\n\n" + ConvertIssues(ParseAttachments(ParseMentions(req.body.issue.body)), req.body.repository?.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue?.html_url + ")", |
}, ...embedItems]; |
embeds.push({ embeds: embedItems }); |
} break; |
case "reopened": { |
embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Issue #" + req.body.number + " re-opened by " + req.body.issue.user.username, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 13789695, |
description: "**" + req.body.issue.title + ":**\n\n" + ConvertIssues(req.body.issue.body, req.body.repository?.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue?.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}); |
} break; |
case "assigned": { |
var assignedList = "" |
for (assignee of req.body.issue.assignees) { |
if (assignedList.length == 0) { |
assignedList += assignee.username |
} else { |
assignedList += "," + assignee.username |
} |
} |
embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Assigned users to Issue #" + req.body.number, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 50363, |
description: "Assigned **" + assignedList + "** to Issue **" + req.body.issue.title + "**\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}); |
} break; |
case "label_updated": { |
var labelsList = "" |
for (label of req.body.issue.labels) { |
if (labelsList.length == 0) { |
labelsList += "- **" + + "**" |
} else { |
labelsList += "\n- **" + + "**" |
} |
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embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Assigned labels to Issue #" + req.body.number, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 365568, |
description: "Labels set for Issue **" + req.body.issue.title + "**:\n" + labelsList + "\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}) |
} break; |
case "created": { |
embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Comment posted on Issue #" + req.body.issue.number, |
icon_url: req.body.comment.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 11731199, |
description: "__**" + req.body.issue.title + "**__\nCommented by **" + req.body.comment.user.username + ":**\n" + ConvertIssues(ParseAttachments(ParseMentions(req.body.comment.body)), req.body.repository.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Comment](" + req.body.comment.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}) |
} break; |
case "edited": { |
if (req.body.comment) { |
embedItems = [{ |
author: { |
name: "Comment edited on Issue #" + req.body.issue.number, |
icon_url: req.body.comment.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 11731199, |
description: "__**" + req.body.issue.title + "**__\nCommented by **" + req.body.comment.user.username + ":**\n" + ConvertIssues(ParseAttachments(ParseMentions(req.body.comment.body)), req.body.repository.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Comment](" + req.body.comment.html_url + ")", |
}, ...embedItems] |
embeds.push({ embeds: embedItems }) |
} else { |
embedItems = [{ |
author: { |
name: "Edit on Issue #" + req.body.issue.number, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 11731199, |
description: "__**" + req.body.issue.title + "**__\nEdited by **" + req.body.issue.user.username + ":**\n" + ConvertIssues(ParseAttachments(ParseMentions(req.body.issue.body)), req.body.repository.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue.html_url + ")", |
}, ...embedItems] |
embeds.push({ embeds: embedItems }); |
} |
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case "deleted": { |
embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Comment deleted on Issue #" + req.body.issue.number, |
icon_url: req.body.comment.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 11731199, |
description: "__**" + req.body.issue.title + "**__\nCommented by **" + req.body.comment.user.username + ":**\n~~" + ConvertIssues(req.body.comment.body, req.body.repository.html_url) + "~~\n\n[Link to Comment](" + req.body.comment.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}) |
} break; |
case "closed": { |
embeds.push({ |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: "Issue #" + req.body.number + " closed by " + req.body.issue.user.username, |
icon_url: req.body.issue.user.avatar_url |
}, |
color: 9502805, |
description: "**" + req.body.issue.title + ":**\n\n" + ConvertIssues(req.body.issue.body, req.body.repository.html_url) + "\n\n[Link to Issue](" + req.body.issue.html_url + ")", |
}] |
}) |
} break; |
default: { |
console.log("Unknown action " + req.body.action + ". Ignoring.") |
} |
} |
} else |
if (req.body.ref) { |
for (var commit of req.body.commits) { |
var filesAdded = commit.added.length |
var filesRemoved = commit.removed.length |
var filesModified = commit.modified.length |
|, { |
embeds: [{ |
author: { |
name: + " has pushed a new commit", |
icon_url: "" |
}, |
color: 17663, |
description: "**Commit ID " + + "**\n\n" + ConvertIssues(commit.message, req.body.repository.html_url) + "\n" + (filesAdded > 0 ? "\n" + filesAdded + " file" + (filesAdded == 1 ? "" : "s") + " added" : "") + (filesRemoved > 0 ? "\n" + filesRemoved + " file" + (filesRemoved == 1 ? "" : "s") + " removed" : "") + (filesModified > 0 ? "\n" + filesModified + " file" + (filesModified == 1 ? "" : "s") + " modified" : "") + "\n\n[Link to Commit](" + commit.url + ")", |
}] |
}) |
} |
} else { |
console.log("Unknown webhook incoming. Ignoring.") |
} |
/* |
return,{embeds:[{ |
author:{ |
name:req.body.item_name, |
icon_url:itemIcon |
}, |
color:req.body.obtained==req.body.required?32768:Number(req.body.obtained)>0?20680:2172201, |
description:"**"+req.body.username+"** "+(req.body.operation==="FINISH"?" has finished "+(req.body.finalcraft===true?"crafting ":"collecting ")+req.body.required+" __"+req.body.item_name+"__!": |
req.body.operation==="INCREASE"?" has collected "+req.body.obtained+" / "+req.body.required+" __"+req.body.item_name+"__ (+"+(req.body.obtained-req.body.previous_amt)+")" |
:" has set __"+req.body.item_name+"__ to "+req.body.obtained+" / "+req.body.required)+"\n\n[Sig Planner - Sig crafts all the things](", |
footer:{ |
"text":"Progress: "+((req.body.itemCount+req.body.obtained-req.body.previous_amt)/req.body.totalItemCount*100).toFixed(2)+"% ("+(req.body.itemCount+req.body.obtained-req.body.previous_amt)+"/"+req.body.totalItemCount+")" |
} |
}] |
})*/ |
}) |
var runInventoryScan = async () => { |
for (var item of myInv) { |
const it = item |
await db.query('select * from crafting_list where itemid=$1', [item.itemId]) |
.then(async (data) => { |
for (var row of data.rows) { |
if (row.required - row.obtained <= it.quantity) { |
await db.query('update crafting_list set obtained=$1 where itemid=$2', [row.required, it.itemId]) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err.message) |
}) |
} else { |
await db.query('update crafting_list set obtained=$1 where itemid=$2', [row.obtained + it.quantity, it.itemId]) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err.message) |
}) |
break; |
} |
} |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
console.log(err.message) |
}) |
} |
} |
|"/AiL", function (req, res) { |
var username = decodeURI(req.body.username) |
var operation = decodeURI(req.body.operation) |
var checksum = decodeURI(req.body.checksum) |
var data = decodeURI( |
const saveDir = "files/AiLsaves/"; |
if (username && operation && checksum && data) { |
if (username.length <= 24 && |
(operation === "GET_LOAD_FILES" || operation === "GET_FILE" || operation === "SAVE_FILE" || operation === "SAVE_METADATA_FILE") && |
data.length <= 1000000 && |
Number(checksum) === username.length * 8 + data.length * 2 + operation.length) { |
//Checksum: Length of username*8+Length of data*2+Length of operation
//Checksum: Length of username*8+Length of data*2+Length of operation
if(!fs.existsSync(`${saveDir+username}`)){ |
if (!fs.existsSync(`${saveDir + username}`)) { |
fs.mkdirSync(`${saveDir+username}`); |
fs.mkdirSync(`${saveDir + username}`); |
} |
switch(operation){ |
case "GET_LOAD_FILES":{ |
if(fs.existsSync(`${saveDir+username}/metadata.dat`)){ |
res.status(200).send(fs.readFileSync(`${saveDir+username}/metadata.dat`)); |
}else{ |
res.status(404).send("Not Found!"); |
} |
} |
}break; |
switch (operation) { |
case "GET_FILE":{ |
case "GET_LOAD_FILES": { |
if(fs.existsSync(`${saveDir+username}/save.${data.padStart(4,'0')}`)){ |
if (fs.existsSync(`${saveDir + username}/metadata.dat`)) { |
res.status(200).send(fs.readFileSync(`${saveDir+username}/save.${data.padStart(4,'0')}`)); |
res.status(200).send(fs.readFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/metadata.dat`)); |
}else{ |
} else { |
fs.writeFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/metadata.dat`, "\n"); |
res.status(200).send(fs.readFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/metadata.dat`)); |
} |
} break; |
case "GET_FILE": { |
if (fs.existsSync(`${saveDir + username}/save.${data.padStart(4, '0')}`)) { |
res.status(200).send(fs.readFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/save.${data.padStart(4, '0')}`)); |
} else { |
res.status(404).send("Not Found!"); |
res.status(404).send("Not Found!"); |
} |
} |
}break; |
} break; |
case "SAVE_FILE":{ |
case "SAVE_FILE": { |
var fileData=data.split("|"); |
var fileData = data.split("|"); |
var fileNumb=fileData[0]; |
var fileNumb = fileData[0]; |
var saveFileData=fileData[1]; |
var saveFileData = fileData[1]; |
fs.writeFileSync(`${saveDir+username}/save.${fileNumb.padStart(4,'0')}`,saveFileData); |
fs.writeFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/save.${fileNumb.padStart(4, '0')}`, saveFileData); |
res.status(200).send("Saved!"); |
res.status(200).send("Saved!"); |
}break; |
} break; |
fs.writeFileSync(`${saveDir+username}/metadata.dat`,data); |
fs.writeFileSync(`${saveDir + username}/metadata.dat`, data); |
res.status(200).send("Saved!"); |
res.status(200).send("Saved!"); |
}break; |
} break; |
default:{ |
default: { |
res.status(418).send('I\'m definitely a teapot.'); |
res.status(418).send('I\'m definitely a teapot.'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}else{ |
} else { |
res.status(418).send('I\'m definitely a teapot.'); |
res.status(418).send('I\'m definitely a teapot.'); |
} |
} |
}else{ |
} else { |
res.status(400).send('Invalid input!'); |
res.status(400).send('Invalid input!'); |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue