if(Menu::IsMenuOpen()&&Menu::stack.back()==Menu::menus[NEW_INPUT]&&Menu::menus[NEW_INPUT]->B(A::IS_KEYBOARD)){//We are requesting a brand new input.
conststd::vector<std::string>*inputGroup=&InputGroup::menuInputGroups;//First we detect which input group this mouse binding is for. Each group can individually have one key bound to each mouse button, that's why we first detect which group we actually care about.
//Next we need to iterate through that group and check for any already-bound buttons for the mouse button we are about to apply. Get rid of the keybinds from there.
Component<MenuLabel>(NEW_INPUT,"New Keybind Label")->SetLabel(std::format("Press a new {} for '{}'\n\nPress {} to cancel.",keyTypeName,keybindName,cancelButtonDisplayName));
Component<MenuLabel>(NEW_INPUT,"New Keybind Label")->SetLabel(std::format("Press a new {} for '{}'",keyTypeName,keybindName));
Component<MenuLabel>(NEW_INPUT,"New Keybind Label")->SetLabel(std::format("Press a new {} for '{}'\n\nPress {} to cancel.",keyTypeName,keybindName,cancelButtonDisplayName));
Component<MenuLabel>(NEW_INPUT,"New Keybind Label")->SetLabel(std::format("Press a new {} for '{}'",keyTypeName,keybindName));