# pragma region License
License ( OLC - 3 )
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Copyright 2024 Joshua Sigona < sigonasr2 @ gmail . com >
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without modification ,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright
notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice . This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be
reproduced in the documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission .
Portions of this software are copyright © 2024 The FreeType
Project ( www . freetype . org ) . Please see LICENSE_FT . txt for more information .
All rights reserved .
# pragma endregion
# pragma once
# include "olcUTIL_Animate2D.h"
# include "Animation.h"
# include "Monster.h"
# include "State.h"
# include "Ability.h"
# include "Buff.h"
# include "Pathfinding.h"
# include "config.h"
# include "Key.h"
# include "Class.h"
# include "Item.h"
# include "AttributableStat.h"
# undef GetClassName
struct DamageNumber ;
class MenuComponent ;
struct Ability ;
struct CastInfo {
std : : string name = " ??? " ;
float castTimer = 0.f ;
float castTotalTime = 0.f ;
vf2d castPos { } ;
} ;
namespace MoveFlag {
enum MoveFlag {
NONE = 0 b0 ,
} ;
} ;
namespace PlayerTest {
class PlayerTests ;
class EntityStats {
friend class Inventory ;
ItemAttributable equipStats ; //The stats after gear calculations are applied.
ItemAttributable baseStats ;
public :
void RecalculateEquipStats ( ) ; //Called when equipment is updated.
const ItemAttributable & GetStats ( ) const ;
const ItemAttributable & GetBaseStats ( ) const ;
//Get stats with equipment applied.
const float & GetEquipStat ( ItemAttribute stat ) const ;
//Get stats with equipment applied.
const float & GetEquipStat ( std : : string_view stat ) const ;
const float & GetBaseStat ( ItemAttribute stat ) const ;
const float & GetBaseStat ( std : : string_view stat ) const ;
void SetBaseStat ( ItemAttribute a , float val ) ;
void SetBaseStat ( std : : string_view a , float val ) ;
void Reset ( ) ;
} ;
class Player {
friend class AiL ;
friend class sig : : Animation ;
friend struct Warrior ;
friend struct Thief ;
friend struct Ranger ;
friend struct Trapper ;
friend struct Wizard ;
friend struct Witch ;
friend class State_GameRun ;
friend class Inventory ;
friend class ItemInfo ;
friend void ItemOverlay : : Draw ( ) ;
public :
Player ( ) ;
//So this is rather fascinating and only exists because we have the ability to change classes which means we need to initialize a class
//using a new object type... Because of that we'll take the pointer reference to the old object and copy some of its properties to this new
//one. It's hackish but it means we can reduce the amount of extra boilerplate when class changing...I don't know how to feel about this.
Player ( Player * player ) ;
static float GROUND_SLAM_SPIN_TIME ;
const vf2d & GetPos ( ) const ;
float GetX ( ) ;
float GetY ( ) ;
float GetZ ( ) ;
const float & GetEquipStat ( ItemAttribute a ) const ;
const float & GetEquipStat ( std : : string_view a ) const ;
const float & GetBaseStat ( ItemAttribute a ) const ;
const float & GetBaseStat ( std : : string_view a ) const ;
void SetBaseStat ( std : : string_view a , float val ) ;
void SetBaseStat ( ItemAttribute a , float val ) ;
const int GetMaxHealth ( ) const ;
const int GetHealth ( ) const ;
const int GetMana ( ) const ;
const int GetMaxMana ( ) const ;
const int GetAttack ( ) const ;
const int GetDefense ( ) const ;
const float GetDamageReductionFromBuffs ( ) const ;
const float GetDamageReductionFromArmor ( ) const ;
float GetMoveSpdMult ( ) ;
float GetSizeMult ( ) const ;
const float GetCooldownReductionPct ( ) const ;
const float GetCritRatePct ( ) const ;
const float GetCritDmgPct ( ) const ;
const float GetHPRecoveryPct ( ) const ;
const float GetHP6RecoveryPct ( ) const ;
const float GetHP4RecoveryPct ( ) const ;
const float GetDamageReductionPct ( ) const ;
const float GetAttackRecoveryRateReduction ( ) const ;
void SetSizeMult ( float size ) ;
float GetAttackRangeMult ( ) ;
float GetSpinAngle ( ) ;
State : : State GetState ( ) ;
Key GetFacingDirection ( ) const ;
vf2d GetVelocity ( ) ;
bool HasIframes ( ) ;
void Update ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void UpdateWalkingAnimation ( Key direction , const float frameMult = 1.f ) ;
void UpdateIdleAnimation ( Key direction ) ;
//The range is the search range in tiles.
bool CanPathfindTo ( vf2d pos , vf2d targetPos , float range = 8 ) ;
bool CanMove ( ) ;
bool CanAct ( ) ;
const bool CanAct ( const Ability & ability ) ;
void Knockback ( vf2d vel ) ;
void ProximityKnockback ( const vf2d centerPoint , const float knockbackFactor ) ;
void ApplyIframes ( float duration ) ;
//NOTE: Will directly override the iframe timer for the player, as opposed to _ApplyIframes which actually keeps the longest current iframe time.
void _SetIframes ( float duration ) ;
void RestoreMana ( int amt , bool suppressDamageNumber = false ) ;
void ConsumeMana ( int amt ) ;
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetX ( float x , MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE ) ;
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetY ( float y , MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE ) ;
void SetZ ( float z ) ;
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetPos ( vf2d pos , MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE ) ;
//Ignores collision checking and sets the player at the given position.
void ForceSetPos ( vf2d pos ) ;
void SetState ( State : : State newState ) ;
void AddBuff ( BuffType type , float duration , float intensity ) ;
//NOTE: If adding a % increase stat, please use the percentage version! 100% = 1!!
void AddBuff ( BuffType type , float duration , float intensity , std : : set < ItemAttribute > attr ) ;
//NOTE: If adding a % increase stat, please use the percentage version! 100% = 1!!
void AddBuff ( BuffType type , float duration , float intensity , std : : set < std : : string > attr ) ;
void AddBuff ( BuffRestorationType type , BuffOverTimeType : : BuffOverTimeType overTimeType , float duration , float intensity , float timeBetweenTicks ) ;
void AddBuff ( BuffRestorationType type , BuffOverTimeType : : BuffOverTimeType overTimeType , float duration , float intensity , float timeBetweenTicks , Buff : : PlayerBuffExpireCallbackFunction expireCallbackFunc ) ;
const std : : vector < Buff > GetBuffs ( BuffType buff ) const ;
const std : : vector < Buff > GetStatBuffs ( const std : : vector < std : : string > & attr ) const ;
using BuffDuration = float ;
using BuffIntensity = float ;
Buff & GetOrAddBuff ( BuffType buff , std : : pair < BuffDuration , BuffIntensity > newBuff ) ; //When you need a buff added regardless if it already exists. You'll either modify an existing one or create a new one.
Buff & EditBuff ( BuffType buff , size_t buffInd ) ;
std : : vector < std : : reference_wrapper < Buff > > EditBuffs ( BuffType buff ) ;
//Removes the first buff found.
void RemoveBuff ( BuffType type ) ;
//Removes all buffs of a certain type.
void RemoveAllBuffs ( BuffType type ) ;
//Remove every buff.
void RemoveAllBuffs ( ) ;
void UpdateHealthAndMana ( ) ;
void RecalculateEquipStats ( ) ;
bool Hurt ( HurtDamageInfo damageData ) ;
bool Hurt ( int damage , bool onUpperLevel , float z , HurtFlag : : HurtFlag hurtFlags = HurtFlag : : NONE ) ;
bool Hurt ( int damage , bool onUpperLevel , float z , const TrueDamageFlag damageRule , HurtFlag : : HurtFlag hurtFlags = HurtFlag : : NONE ) ;
//Return false if healing was not possible.
bool Heal ( int damage , bool suppressDamageNumber = false ) ;
//specificClass is a bitwise-combination of classes from the Class enum. It makes sure certain animations only play if you are a certain class.=
void UpdateAnimation ( std : : string animState , int specificClass = ANY , const float frameMult = 1.f ) ;
Animate2D : : Frame GetFrame ( ) ;
float GetSwordSwingTimer ( ) ;
bool OnUpperLevel ( ) ;
void ResetLastCombatTime ( ) ;
bool IsOutOfCombat ( ) ;
float GetEndZoneStandTime ( ) ;
//Triggers when the player has moved.
void Moved ( MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE ) ;
virtual ~ Player ( ) = default ;
virtual Class GetClass ( ) = 0 ;
virtual bool AutoAttack ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) = 0 ;
virtual const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) = 0 ;
virtual Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) = 0 ;
virtual Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) = 0 ;
virtual Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) = 0 ;
virtual Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) = 0 ;
virtual Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) = 0 ;
geom2d : : circle < float > Hitbox ( ) ;
void CheckEndZoneCollision ( ) ;
CastInfo & GetCastInfo ( ) ;
//Provide the base animation name and this function does the rest. Ex. If you want WARRIOR_SWINGSWORD_S, use SWINGSWORD
void SetAnimationBasedOnTargetingDirection ( const std : : string_view animation_name , float targetDirection ) ;
void SetAnimationBasedOnTarget ( const std : : string_view animation_name , const vf2d & target ) ;
Ability & GetItem1 ( ) ;
Ability & GetItem2 ( ) ;
Ability & GetItem3 ( ) ;
void SetItem1UseFunc ( Ability a ) ;
void SetItem2UseFunc ( Ability a ) ;
void SetItem3UseFunc ( Ability a ) ;
void PerformHPRecovery ( ) ;
static std : : vector < std : : weak_ptr < MenuComponent > > moneyListeners ;
static void AddMoneyListener ( std : : weak_ptr < MenuComponent > component ) ;
uint32_t GetMoney ( ) const ;
void SetMoney ( uint32_t newMoney ) ;
void AddXP ( const uint64_t xpGain ) ;
void OnLevelUp ( ) ;
const uint8_t LevelCap ( ) const ;
const uint8_t Level ( ) const ;
const uint64_t CurrentXP ( ) const ;
const uint64_t TotalXP ( ) const ;
const uint64_t NextLevelXPRequired ( ) const ;
void CancelCast ( ) ;
const ItemAttributable & GetStats ( ) const ;
const ItemAttributable & GetBaseStats ( ) const ;
void ResetAccumulatedXP ( ) ;
const uint64_t GetAccumulatedXP ( ) const ;
void AddAccumulatedXP ( const uint64_t xpGain ) ;
//Knockup the player for duration amount of seconds, and Zamt pixels.
void Knockup ( float duration ) ;
static const bool INVERTED , USE_WALK_DIR ;
const vf2d GetAimingLocation ( bool useWalkDir = false , bool invert = false ) ;
const vf2d GetWorldAimingLocation ( bool useWalkDir = false , bool invert = false ) ;
void SetXP ( const uint64_t xp ) ;
void SetTotalXPEarned ( const uint64_t totalXP ) ;
void SetLevel ( uint8_t newLevel ) ;
void SetInvisible ( const bool invisibleState ) ;
const bool IsInvisible ( ) const ;
void ResetVelocity ( ) ;
const float GetHealthGrowthRate ( ) const ;
const float GetAtkGrowthRate ( ) const ;
const float GetIframeTime ( ) const ;
const Renderable & GetMinimapImage ( ) const ;
void AddVelocity ( vf2d vel ) ;
const float GetHealthRatio ( ) const ;
const bool IsAlive ( ) const ;
//An all-in-one function that applies a stat plus any % modifiers the stat may have as well.
const float GetModdedStatBonuses ( std : : string_view stat ) const ;
//An all-in-one function that applies a stat plus any % modifiers the stat may have as well.
const float GetModdedStatBonuses ( ItemAttribute stat ) const ;
//Flag to make the player character render using additive blending / normal blending.
void SetAdditiveBlending ( const bool additiveBlending ) ;
const bool IsUsingAdditiveBlending ( ) const ;
vf2d MoveUsingPathfinding ( vf2d targetPos ) ;
const std : : unordered_set < std : : string > & GetMyClass ( ) const ;
void ApplyDot ( float duration , int damage , float timeBetweenTicks , Buff : : PlayerBuffExpireCallbackFunction expireCallbackFunc = [ ] ( Player * p , Buff & b ) { } ) ;
const float GetDamageAmplificationMult ( ) const ;
const bool HasEnchant ( const std : : string_view enchantName ) const ;
void CheckAndPerformAbility ( Ability & ability , InputGroup key ) ;
void ReduceAutoAttackTimer ( const float reduceAmt ) ;
const float & GetAutoAttackTimer ( ) const ;
const vf2d GetFacingDirVector ( ) const ; //Returns a normalized vector based on the facing direction of the character. Ex. {0,-1} for north and {1,0} for east.
const bool PoisonArrowAutoAttackReady ( ) const ; //NOTE: Also checks to make sure we have the enchant built-in...
const int RemainingRapidFireShots ( ) const ;
private :
int hp = " Warrior.BaseHealth " _I ;
int mana = " Player.BaseMana " _I ;
float hpGrowthRate = " Warrior.HealthGrowthRate " _F ;
float atkGrowthRate = " Warrior.AtkGrowthRate " _F ;
vf2d pos ;
uint8_t level = 1 ;
uint8_t levelCap = 1 ;
uint64_t totalXPEarned = 0 ;
uint64_t currentLevelXP = 0 ;
uint64_t accumulatedXP = 0 ;
float z = 0 ;
float size = 1.0f ;
float spin_attack_timer = 0 ;
float rolling_timer { } ;
float spin_spd = 0 ;
float spin_angle = 0 ;
float lastAnimationFlip = 0 ;
float manaTickTimer = 0 ;
float hpRecoveryTimer = 0 ;
float hp6RecoveryTimer = 0 ;
float hp4RecoveryTimer = 0 ;
float knockUpTimer = 0.f ;
float totalKnockupTime = 0.f ;
float knockUpZAmt = 0.f ;
//angle in polar coords.
vf2d aimingAngle { } ;
std : : pair < std : : string , float > notEnoughManaDisplay = { " " , 0.f } ;
float teleportAttemptWaitTime = 0 ; //If a teleport fails, we wait awhile before trying again, it's expensive.
State : : State state = State : : NORMAL ;
Animate2D : : Animation < std : : string > animation ;
void AddAnimation ( std : : string state ) ;
std : : vector < Buff > buffList ;
CastInfo castInfo = { " " , 0 } ;
vf2d movementVelocity = { } ; //This tells us if the player is moving (mostly controlled by user input) since their velocity is not used for regular movement.
float lastHitTimer = 0 ; //When this is greater than zero, if we get hit again it adds to our displayed combo number.
float lastDotTimer = 0 ; //When this is greater than zero, if we get hit again it adds to our displayed combo number.
std : : shared_ptr < DamageNumber > damageNumberPtr , dotNumberPtr ;
void Initialize ( ) ;
float iframe_time = 0 ;
float lastCombatTime = 0 ;
float hurtRumbleTime = 0.0f ;
Ability useItem1 ;
Ability useItem2 ;
Ability useItem3 ;
uint32_t money = " Player.Starting Money " _I ;
EntityStats stats ;
//So this is kind of a stupid one...
//If the attr provided is a % modifier, it will take the lhs in a += operation and multiply it by the % modifier from player's actual stats.
//If the attr provided is not a % modifier, it will add in a +=/+ operation...
const ItemAttribute & GetBonusStat ( std : : string_view attr ) const ;
bool rendered = false ;
bool invisibility = false ;
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
//If playerInvoked is true, this means the player was the one that instantiated this input, and it's not an extra movement done via collision.
//Set playerInvoked to false when you don't want a movement loop due to collisions.
//Typical usage is playerInvoked is true on first call, and playerInvoked is false on all subsequent chained calls.
bool _SetX ( float x , MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE , const bool playerInvoked = true ) ;
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
//If playerInvoked is true, this means the player was the one that instantiated this input, and it's not an extra movement done via collision.
//Set playerInvoked to false when you don't want a movement loop due to collisions.
//Typical usage is playerInvoked is true on first call, and playerInvoked is false on all subsequent chained calls.
bool _SetY ( float y , MoveFlag : : MoveFlag flags = MoveFlag : : NONE , const bool playerInvoked = true ) ;
const bool UsingAutoAim ( ) const ;
void InitializeMinimapImage ( ) ;
bool lowHealthSoundPlayed = false ;
float lowHealthSoundPlayedTimer = 0.f ;
float rangerShootAnimationTimer = 0.f ;
Renderable minimapImg ; //An image of the character represented on a minimap. Should be 12x12 and generally be a circle.
float deadlyDashWaitTimer { } ;
float deadlyDashAfterDashTimer { } ;
vf2d deadlyDashEndingPos { } ;
bool renderedSpriteUsesAdditiveBlending { false } ;
float deadlyDashAdditiveBlendingToggleTimer { } ;
std : : unordered_set < std : : string > myClass { } ;
float daggerThrowWaitTimer { INFINITY } ;
std : : unordered_set < std : : string > enchantList ;
void OnAbilityUse ( const Ability & ability ) ; //Callback when an ability successfully is used and has gone on cooldown.
const bool LastReserveEnchantConditionsMet ( ) const ;
float poisonArrowLastParticleTimer { } ;
protected :
const float ATTACK_COOLDOWN = " Warrior.Auto Attack.Cooldown " _F ;
const float MAGIC_ATTACK_COOLDOWN = " Wizard.Auto Attack.Cooldown " _F ;
float ARROW_ATTACK_COOLDOWN = " Ranger.Auto Attack.Cooldown " _F ;
void SetSwordSwingTimer ( float val ) ;
void SetFacingDirection ( Key direction ) ;
void Spin ( float duration , float spinSpd ) ;
float friction = " Player.Friction " _F ;
float attack_cooldown_timer = 0 ;
float teleportAnimationTimer = 0 ;
vf2d teleportTarget = { } ;
vf2d teleportStartPosition = { } ;
std : : pair < std : : string , float > notificationDisplay = { " " , 0.f } ;
bool upperLevel = false ;
vf2d vel = { 0 , 0 } ;
float attack_range = " Warrior.Auto Attack.Range " _F / 100.f ;
Key facingDirection = DOWN ;
float swordSwingTimer = 0 ;
void CastSpell ( Ability & ability ) ;
Ability * castPrepAbility ;
void PrepareCast ( Ability & ability ) ;
vf2d precastLocation = { } ;
void SetVelocity ( vf2d vel ) ;
const float RETREAT_DISTANCE = 24 * " Ranger.Right Click Ability.RetreatDistance " _F / 100 ;
float RETREAT_TIME = " Ranger.Right Click Ability.RetreatTime " _F ; //How long the Retreat ability takes.
const int RETREAT_GHOST_FRAMES = 8 ;
const float RETREAT_GHOST_FRAME_DELAY = 0.025f ;
float ghostFrameTimer = 0 ;
float ghostRemoveTimer = 0 ;
float blockTimer = 0 ;
float retreatTimer = 0 ;
std : : vector < vf2d > ghostPositions ;
float rapidFireTimer = 0 ;
int remainingRapidFireShots = 0 ;
float endZoneStandTime = 0 ;
float lastPathfindingCooldown = 0.f ;
const float RAPID_FIRE_SHOOT_DELAY = " Ranger.Ability 1.ArrowDelay " _F ;
const int RAPID_FIRE_SHOOT_AMOUNT = " Ranger.Ability 1.ArrowCount " _I ;
float footstepTimer = 0.f ;
float ySquishFactor { 1.f } ;
size_t cooldownSoundInstance = std : : numeric_limits < size_t > : : max ( ) ;
Renderable afterImage ;
Animate2D : : AnimationState internal_animState ;
float removeLineTimer { } ;
const float TIME_BETWEEN_LINE_REMOVALS { 0.025f } ;
uint8_t scanLine { 24 } ; //0-23.
void SetupAfterImage ( ) ;
vf2d afterImagePos { } ;
float transformTargetDir { } ;
float leapTimer { } ;
float totalLeapTime { } ;
vf2d leapStartingPos { } ;
float poisonArrowReadyTimer { } ;
} ;
# pragma region Warrior
struct Warrior : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Warrior ( ) ;
Warrior ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only WARRIOR-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Thief
struct Thief : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Thief ( ) ;
Thief ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only THIEF-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Ranger
struct Ranger : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Ranger ( ) ;
Ranger ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only RANGER-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Trapper
struct Trapper : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Trapper ( ) ;
Trapper ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only TRAPPER-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Wizard
struct Wizard : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Wizard ( ) ;
Wizard ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only WIZARD-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# pragma region Witch
struct Witch : Player {
static std : : string name ;
static Class cl ;
static Ability rightClickAbility , ability1 , ability2 , ability3 , ability4 ;
static std : : string walk_n , walk_e , walk_s , walk_w , idle_n , idle_e , idle_s , idle_w ;
static void Initialize ( ) ;
Witch ( ) ;
Witch ( Player * player ) ;
Class GetClass ( ) override ;
bool AutoAttack ( ) override ;
//Include only WITCHs-specific implementations!
void OnUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
static void InitializeClassAbilities ( ) ;
const std : : string & GetClassName ( ) override ;
Ability & GetRightClickAbility ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility1 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility2 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility3 ( ) override ;
Ability & GetAbility4 ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetWalkWAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleNAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleEAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleSAnimation ( ) override ;
std : : string & GetIdleWAnimation ( ) override ;
} ;
# pragma endregion
# define READFROMCONFIG(class,enum) \
class : : name = # class " .ClassName " _S ; \
class : : cl = enum ; \
class : : rightClickAbility = { \
# class".Right Click Ability.Name"_S, \
# class".Right Click Ability.Short Name"_S, \
# class".Right Click Ability.Description"_s.concat(), \
# class".Right Click Ability.Cooldown"_F, \
# class".Right Click Ability.Mana Cost"_I, \
" Ability Icons/ " + # class " .Right Click Ability.Icon " _S , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Right Click Ability.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ # class " .Right Click Ability.Precast Time " _F , # class " .Right Click Ability.Casting Range " _I / 100.f * 24 , # class " .Right Click Ability.Casting Size " _I / 100.f * 24 } , \
bool ( # class " .Right Click Ability.CancelCast " _I ) \
} ; \
class : : ability1 = { \
# class".Ability 1.Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 1.Short Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 1.Description"_s.concat(), \
# class".Ability 1.Cooldown"_F, \
# class".Ability 1.Mana Cost"_I, \
" Ability Icons/ " + # class " .Ability 1.Icon " _S , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 1.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ # class " .Ability 1.Precast Time " _F , # class " .Ability 1.Casting Range " _I / 100.f * 24 , # class " .Ability 1.Casting Size " _I / 100.f * 24 } , \
bool ( # class " .Ability 1.CancelCast " _I ) \
} ; \
class : : ability2 = { \
# class".Ability 2.Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 2.Short Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 2.Description"_s.concat(), \
# class".Ability 2.Cooldown"_F, \
# class".Ability 2.Mana Cost"_I, \
" Ability Icons/ " + # class " .Ability 2.Icon " _S , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 2.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ # class " .Ability 2.Precast Time " _F , # class " .Ability 2.Casting Range " _I / 100.f * 24 , # class " .Ability 2.Casting Size " _I / 100.f * 24 } , \
bool ( # class " .Ability 2.CancelCast " _I ) \
} ; \
class : : ability3 = { \
# class".Ability 3.Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 3.Short Name"_S, \
# class".Ability 3.Description"_s.concat(), \
# class".Ability 3.Cooldown"_F, \
# class".Ability 3.Mana Cost"_I, \
" Ability Icons/ " + # class " .Ability 3.Icon " _S , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 1 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 0 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 1 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 2 ] ) , uint8_t ( # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] = = 0 ? 255 : # class " .Ability 3.Cooldown Bar Color 2 " _f [ 3 ] ) } , \
{ # class " .Ability 3.Precast Time " _F , # class " .Ability 3.Casting Range " _I / 100.f * 24 , # class " .Ability 3.Casting Size " _I / 100.f * 24 } , \
bool ( # class " .Ability 3.CancelCast " _I ) \
} ; \
class : : ability4 ;