- Every 6. Shot Boss Shots a big bullet that explodes when i gets close to the Player and form a new ring of bullets flying away in a whirl instead of a straight line. (Boss rests for 2 seconds after big bullet)
- Tentacels do a delayed attack
- Every Tentacle and the boss get a 10% Attack buff on each Tentacle death
- The Tentacles wiggle a bit around between attacks
- Wiggle phase is 2-4 seconds.
- Tentacle stopps moving for 1 sec before attacking, already indicating where it will attack.
- The Tentacle rest on the floor for a short period after an attack ~1 sec (can vary a bit depending how animation looks smoother)
Reference for Tentacle attack https://youtu.be/YtR521QdsNk?si=_TUxuH-3HLnwr_t9&t=475 (Should start at time stamp 07:55 with a bossfight)
Instead of wiggling around the tentacles supmerge here in between attacks.
Also instead of this piercing attack i would prefer if its closer to a slam.
But i really like how the tentacle indicates that its about to attack in a specific direction.
12k missing Health on boss:
- boss starts Shooting an Ink Bubble instead of a normal projectile every 15 seconds that explodes and leaves an ink area Lasting for 30 seconds. moving into the ink gives a -10 movespd debuff for 25 seconds.
- 6 Attacks after first ink attack, every second small bullet has a different Color and has a homing effect. Homing effect is greatly reduced if Player is covered in ink
30k missing Health
Tentacles get +10% Speed on every animation or attack
every Projectile get the homing effect
other stuff
- On Tentacle death, all Tentacles submerge and recover 1k hp each. after 3 seconds tentacles ascend again one after another 0.25 seconds delay between each Tentacle
Once the first Tentacle got defeated every 15-25 seconds a Tentacle far away from the Player submerges and appear 2 seconds later again in an area close to the Player, (Only Triggers if there is a free Tentacle spawn close to the Player)
also: technically the limps of an Octopus arent called Tentacles... but whatever, dont feel like changing this in the entire document now.