The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!

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# How long it takes for the fade-in/fade-out effect to occur.
HighlightTime = 0.2
# How much the R,G,B color components of a menu are multiplied to unfocused windows.
MenuUnfocusedColorMult = 0.4
# Amount of time to hold down an element before a press becomes a drag.
MenuHoldTime = 0.1
# How fast the menu scrolls via Scroll Wheel
MenuScrollWheelSpeed = 8
# How fast the menu scrolls via clicking the Scroll Arrow Buttons
MenuButtonScrollSpeed = 16
# How far the mouse has to move before mouse mode becomes active from keyboard/controller input mode.
MouseActivationDistance = 8
# Provide the patch image names without the .png extensions.
filename = 9patch
ButtonColor = 0,0,64,255
HighlightColor = 0,200,200,255
# If set to 0, stretches the edges and center instead of tiling it.
Tiled = 1
# Specifying a custom background from the assets directory uses that instead.
#CustomBack = image.png
filename = 9patch_2
ButtonColor = 40,16,71,255
HighlightColor = 192,128,238,255
# If set to 0, stretches the edges and center instead of tiling it.
Tiled = 1
# Specifying a custom background from the assets directory uses that instead.
#CustomBack = themes/testback.png
filename = 9patch_3
ButtonColor = 208,73,182,255
HighlightColor = 255,239,232,255
# If set to 0, stretches the edges and center instead of tiling it.
Tiled = 0
# Specifying a custom background from the assets directory uses that instead.
CustomBack = themes/testback.png
filename = 9patch_4
ButtonColor = 208,73,182,255
HighlightColor = 255,239,232,255
# If set to 0, stretches the edges and center instead of tiling it.
Tiled = 1
# Specifying a custom background from the assets directory uses that instead.
CustomBack = themes/testtiledback.png