#pragma once
#include "olcPixelGameEngine.h"
struct Player;
struct PrecastData{
float castTime;
float range;
float size;
//Whether or not this ability requires precasting (automatically set to true when precast time is greater than zero)
bool precastTargetingRequired=false;
//Cast an ability without a targeting indicator, just starts the cast.
PrecastData(float castTime);
PrecastData(float castTime,float range,float size);
//Abilities are tied to class data which is defined in Class.cpp.
struct Ability{
std::string name="";
std::string shortName="";
float cooldown=0;
int manaCost=0;
Pixel barColor1,barColor2;
PrecastData precastInfo;
bool canCancelCast=false;
std::function<bool(Player*,vf2d)>action=[](Player*,vf2d){return false;};
Ability(std::string name,std::string shortName,float cooldownTime,int manaCost,Pixel barColor1=VERY_DARK_RED,Pixel barColor2=DARK_RED,PrecastData precastInfo={},bool canCancelCast=false);