The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/assets/maps/Monster_Presets.tmx

28 lines
1.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map version="1.10" tiledversion="1.10.2" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="right-down" width="30" height="20" tilewidth="24" tileheight="24" infinite="1" nextlayerid="3" nextobjectid="23">
<tileset firstgid="1" source="Monsters.tsx"/>
<layer id="1" name="Tile Layer 1" width="30" height="20">
<data encoding="csv"/>
<objectgroup id="2" name="Object Layer 1">
<object id="1" template="Monsters/Bun.tx" type="Monster" x="-14" y="19"/>
<object id="2" template="Monsters/Bear.tx" x="37" y="41"/>
<object id="3" template="Monsters/Blue Slime.tx" x="27" y="63"/>
<object id="4" template="Monsters/Flower Turret.tx" x="24" y="78"/>
<object id="5" template="Monsters/Frog.tx" x="4" y="67"/>
<object id="6" template="Monsters/Green Slime.tx" x="67" y="66"/>
<object id="7" template="Monsters/Red Slime.tx" x="67" y="82"/>
<object id="8" template="Monsters/Windhound.tx" x="51" y="93"/>
<object id="9" template="Monsters/Yellow Slime.tx" x="1" y="111"/>
<object id="10" template="Monsters/Slime King.tx" type="Monster" x="-193" y="97"/>
<object id="11" template="Monsters/Ursule, Mother of Bears.tx" type="Monster" x="-220" y="266"/>
<object id="12" template="Monsters/Boar.tx" type="Monster" x="38" y="171"/>
<object id="14" template="Monsters/Goblin (Bow).tx" type="Monster" x="89" y="213"/>
<object id="15" template="Monsters/Goblin (Bombs).tx" type="Monster" x="133" y="216"/>
<object id="16" template="Monsters/Goblin Boar Rider.tx" type="Monster" x="111" y="171"/>
<object id="17" template="Monsters/Hawk.tx" type="Monster" x="102" y="109" width="12" height="12"/>
<object id="18" template="Monsters/Stone Elemental.tx" type="Monster" x="169" y="175"/>
<object id="22" template="Monsters/Goblin (Dagger).tx" type="Monster" x="39" y="211"/>