# pragma once
# include "olcPixelGameEngine.h"
# include "Animation.h"
# include "olcUTIL_Animate2D.h"
# include "Monster.h"
# include "olcPGEX_TransformedView.h"
# include "Player.h"
# include "olcUTIL_Camera2D.h"
# include "Bullet.h"
# include "Effect.h"
# include "Map.h"
# include "TMXParser.h"
struct TilesheetData {
TilesetData & tileset ;
int firstgid ;
} ;
class Crawler : public olc : : PixelGameEngine
friend class sig : : Animation ;
Camera2D camera ;
Player player ;
Renderable GFX_Warrior_Sheet , GFX_Slime_Sheet ,
GFX_Effect_GroundSlam_Back , GFX_Effect_GroundSlam_Front ,
GFX_Heart , GFX_BLOCK_BUBBLE , GFX_Ranger_Sheet , GFX_Wizard_Sheet ,
GFX_Battlecry_Effect , GFX_Mana , GFX_SonicSlash , GFX_EnergyParticle ,
GFX_Splash_Effect , GFX_LightningBolt , GFX_LightningBoltParticle1 ,
GFX_LightningBoltParticle2 , GFX_LightningBoltParticle3 , GFX_LightningBoltParticle4 ,
GFX_ChainLightning , GFX_LightningSplash , GFX_Meteor ;
public :
Renderable GFX_BulletCircle , GFX_BulletCircleOutline , GFX_EnergyBolt , GFX_Circle ;
Pathfinding pathfinder ;
private :
std : : vector < std : : unique_ptr < Effect > > foregroundEffects , backgroundEffects ;
std : : map < MapName , Map > MAP_DATA ;
std : : map < std : : string , TilesetData > MAP_TILESETS ;
vf2d worldShake = { } ;
float worldShakeTime = 0 ;
float lastWorldShakeAdjust = 0 ;
vf2d worldShakeVel = { } ;
const float WORLD_SHAKE_ADJUST_MAX_TIME = 0.4 ;
MapName currentLevel = MapName : : CAMPAIGN_1_1 ;
std : : vector < TileGroup > foregroundTileGroups ;
std : : vector < TileGroup > upperForegroundTileGroups ;
int bridgeLayerIndex = - 1 ;
float bridgeFadeFactor = 0.f ;
public :
Crawler ( ) ;
public :
geom2d : : rect < int > NO_COLLISION = { } ;
vi2d WORLD_SIZE = { 120 , 8 } ;
TileTransformedView view ;
bool OnUserCreate ( ) override ;
bool OnUserUpdate ( float fElapsedTime ) override ;
void InitializeLevel ( std : : string mapFile , MapName map ) ;
void LoadLevel ( MapName map ) ;
void HandleUserInput ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void UpdateCamera ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void UpdateEffects ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void UpdateBullets ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void RenderWorld ( float fElapsedTime ) ;
void RenderHud ( ) ;
void AddEffect ( std : : unique_ptr < Effect > foreground , std : : unique_ptr < Effect > background ) ;
//If back is true, places the effect in the background
void AddEffect ( std : : unique_ptr < Effect > foreground , bool back = false ) ;
void HurtEnemies ( vf2d pos , float radius , int damage , bool upperLevel ) ;
vf2d GetWorldMousePos ( ) ;
bool LeftHeld ( ) ;
bool RightHeld ( ) ;
bool UpHeld ( ) ;
bool DownHeld ( ) ;
bool LeftReleased ( ) ;
bool RightReleased ( ) ;
bool UpReleased ( ) ;
bool DownReleased ( ) ;
Player & GetPlayer ( ) ;
void SetupWorldShake ( float duration ) ;
vi2d GetWorldSize ( ) ;
//tileID is the tile number from the tilesets.
bool IsForegroundTile ( TilesheetData sheet , int tileID ) ;
//tileID is the tile number from the tilesets.
bool IsUpperForegroundTile ( TilesheetData sheet , int tileID ) ;
//tileID is the tile number from the tilesets.
TilesheetData GetTileSheet ( MapName map , int tileID ) ;
//Gets the rectangle of the tile collision at this tile. If upperLevel is set to true, the collision tile must be in a Bridge class layer for the tile to hit. Also, zones containing LowerBridgeCollision will apply when upperLevel is set to false.
geom2d : : rect < int > GetTileCollision ( MapName map , vf2d pos , bool upperLevel = false ) ;
//Checks if the point resides inside of a collision tile.
bool HasTileCollision ( MapName map , vf2d pos , bool upperLevel = false ) ;
MapName GetCurrentLevel ( ) ;
bool IsBridgeLayer ( LayerTag & layer ) ;
std : : map < std : : string , std : : vector < geom2d : : rect < int > > > & GetZoneData ( MapName map ) ;
void PopulateRenderLists ( std : : vector < Monster * > & monstersBeforeLower , std : : vector < Monster * > & monstersBeforeUpper , std : : vector < Monster * > & monstersAfterLower , std : : vector < Monster * > & monstersAfterUpper , std : : vector < Bullet * > & bulletsLower , std : : vector < Bullet * > & bulletsUpper , std : : vector < Effect * > & backgroundEffectsLower , std : : vector < Effect * > & backgroundEffectsUpper , std : : vector < Effect * > & foregroundEffectsLower , std : : vector < Effect * > & foregroundEffectsUpper ) ;
} ;